Individual Spiritual Direction
Spiritual direction is for individuals seeking to be more willing participants in God’s already fiercely compassionate activity in their lives. With spiritual direction, you’ll experience greater peace and clarity, a more deeply felt sense of connection, healing in body and soul, and more availability as an instrument of creative action.
A spiritual direction session usually lasts 60-90 minutes. In that time, I’ll invite you listen to your own sacred story. I’ll nurture the awakening of your mind, heart, and body and your trust in the Divine to be present in and speak through each of these centers of knowing.
Together we’ll celebrate and savor places of freedom and growth, while holding compassionate presence for the healing and transformation of what is stuck, painful, or constricted.
I believe in the power of somatic, or body-centered, spiritual direction. I will invite you to cultivate a deeper awareness of your body and bring compassionate presence to all of your body’s experiences so that you can engage the wisdom already present there.