Do you know what it's like to find yourself in some foreign territory feeling as though life as you've known it has gone up in flames? Feeling like its all going to hell in a handbasket? A place in which you're certain, This time this really is the beginning of the end?
Read More"You only need to claim the events of your life to make yourself yours. When you truly possess all you have been and done. . . you are fierce with reality." Stepping into this surrender has felt like stepping into a sandstorm designed for full-body exfoliation.
Read MoreI really am convinced that all of Creation conspires to awaken us and to keep returning us to our true selves in God.
Read MoreI was awakened to the presence of Sacred Abundance, in whom we live and move and have our being. Every. Single. Day.
Read More It is customary for the Quester upon her return to ponder these four questions:
•Who went out?
•What happened?
•Who comes back?
•What gifts do you bring your people?
This Holy Week, like many of you, I am trying to remain present. My heart's deepest desire is to travel this week with Jesus, not just to stand on the side of the road and bear witness. Bearing witness has its place and its time, but this year I hear Jesus' invitation to follow not just with my eyes, but with my whole self. I hear the invitation to once again find my life in his, and his in mine.
Read More"Stay with me," is the cry of a suffering soul. These words, Jesus' three words to his disciples as he entered the Garden of Gethsemane, arrived and transformed me one afternoon as I stood in a raspberry patch with my friend Brook. Brook, daughter of God, survivor of human-trafficking and so much more, and one of the most profound spiritual guides ever sent to me.
Read More You have been created in the image of the Father, or Sophia. You are a temple of Sacred Wisdom, graced to live with an Open Mind. This is FAITH.
You have been created in the image of the Son. You are a Sanctuary of Sacred Love, graced to live with an Open Heart. This is LOVE.
You have been created in the image of the Spirit, an Instrument of Sacred Instinct, graced to live with an Open Will. This is HOPE.